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What Animals Live in Salt Marshes Uk

What Animals Live in Salt Marshes Uk

This commodity describes the habitat of common salt marshes. It gives an introduction to the characteristics, distribution, evolution, zonation, succession, biota, threats, functioning and adaptations of the organisms that live in salt marshes.

In 2008 the European Union commissioned a serial of Habitat Management Models for several of the more than important communities. Included is a model for habitat 1330 "Atlantic salt meadows" (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae).

Visit the European Union spider web site at [1] to download a copy of the Habitat Management Model for the above customs.


Salt marshes are defined equally natural or semi-natural terrestrial halophytic ecosystems that occur in the intertidal zone betwixt the land and the sea and that are covered by salty or brackish water for at least part of the fourth dimension. They tin can be considered, in some mode, as the counterpart of mangroves in temperate and chill regions. The dominant flora is composed of halophytic plants such as grasses, shrubs and herbs. The flora is locally rather species poor, only the global species diversity is loftier, with over 500 salt marsh constitute species known [i] . Salt marshes are unremarkably associated with mud flats but also occur on sand flats. These mud flats are sometimes dominated by algae and covered with algal mats. They are periodically flooded by the tide, the height of which tin can vary from several centimetres in enclosed seas (such equally the Baltic Sea) to several metres in open seas along the ocean margins. A network of meandering tidal creeks ensures the drainage of seawater. Through these channels, sediments, detritus, dissolved nutrients, plankton and small fishes are flushed in and out the salt marshes.


Distribution of salt marshes (greenish), wetlands (orange and xanthous) and mangroves (pink).

Salt marshes are ubiquitous in estuarine systems in temperate zones all over the world. They too occur in deltas and rias but seldom on open coasts, because the development is inhibited by wave activity. Although sediment is a prerequisite for their growth in height and width, salt marsh communities can occur in areas with limited or no sediment supply. Examples include seawater-drenched cliffs and slopes on exposed coasts, at the head of sea lochs and rocky beaches (Doody 2008 [2] ). Salt marshes can be institute from the Arctic region, over Europe, Africa, America, Asia to the coast of Australia. The nearly all-encompassing development of salt marshes occurs in estuaries with a moderate climate, large tidal range, arable fine-grained sediments and sheltered locations where particles can settle out of the water column.


Salt marshes evolve over time from young marshes to one-time marshes. The natural young marshes in eastern USA are vegetated for the largest function with depression marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. Nutrients are transported by tidal currents through the tidal channels. This allows the grasses to grow thickly and profuse, so weakening the issue of waves and tidal currents and increasing the deposition charge per unit of mud. Erosion is reduced past the roots and rhizomes of the plants. At the time that the marsh surface builds up higher up the high water level, high marsh species invade, outcompete and supercede the low marsh plants. The virtually stress-tolerant plant species occupy the lower reaches of the marshes while competitive dominants occupy the upper elevations that are less stressful [one] . When the extent of the low and high marshes is most equal, the ecosystem is in a mature stage of evolution. The ongoing deposition of mud converts most of the low marshes into high marshes. Little water flows through the tidal channels of these elevated 'old marshes'. Deposition of sand and mud on these high marshes catechumen them into dry land that is disconnected from sea influences [iii] . Lateral channel migration and wave attack at the base of marsh cliffs are the primary mechanisms for erosion of mature salt marshes and their subsequent rejuvenation cycle [4] [5] , see likewise Dynamics, threats and direction of salt marshes and French case studies: Upper tidal flat evolution in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (NW France).

Requirements for evolution

The requirements for development of salt marshes are:

  • They need fine-grained sediments.
  • There may exist no strong waves or tidal currents.
  • They need salty weather condition to grow. They are halotolerant and have adaptations to these conditions.
  • They need a temperate or cool temperature. Incidental freezing temperatures are not dissentious the plants.
  • They need a wide tidal range. This is important considering it limits the erosion, makes deposition of sediments possible and causes a well-marked zonation.


Zonation of common salt marshes. Prototype credit: USGS

Based on the topography and characteristic plant assemblages, salt marshes are classified as depression, medium and loftier marshes. This classification is related to the number of tidal submergences per yr (Adam 1990 [vi] ). The 'low marshes' extend from the mean depression h2o neap tide to the mean loftier water spring tide. The low marshes are drained by tidal creeks that convey overflowing and ebb menses; ebb flow more often than not dominates considering flood h2o likewise enters the marsh directly from the main channels. The 'high marshes' extend from the hateful high water level to the highest springtide level. Flooded only by the highest tides and during storms, they are more like a terrestrial than a true marine environment. The plant community is more than diverse than on the low marshes. Typical high marsh species are cordgrass Spartina patens, spike grass Distichlis spicata and species such as saltwort Salsola and seablite Suaeda. Distribution, density and activity of invertebrates mainly depend on protection, food and frequency of tidal flooding. [3]

Spartina patens Credit T. Forney

Salsola kali Credit Ed Stikvoort

Suaeda maritima Credit Ed Stikvoort


Succession is the successive development in time of dissimilar vegetation types at i identify. It is a complex process; the factors determining zonation and succession in table salt marshes are discussed more in particular in Adam (1990 [6] , pages 49-57), Greyness (1992 [seven] ) and Packham & Willis (1997, pages 107-114 [eight] ).

Biofilm of unicellular algae [9]

Fixation of the sediment past blue-green and greenish algae [9]

The mudflat colonization starts with unicellular algae such as diatoms sticking the sand together by production of mucus. This causes a brownish biofilm on the substrate.

After this stage, filamentous algae contribute to the further fixation of sediments. These algae are mostly blue-greenish algae, Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta. Small gastropods can feed and develop in huge quantities on information technology. Locally, the filamentous alga Vaucheria tin can form banquettes or elevations. Chocolate-brown algae tin can exist associated with this stage.

A next stage is the germination of species such equally the glasswort Salicornia. The seeds germinate afterward partial desalination of the soil by pelting. Sedimentation between and around the glassworts contributes to elevating and stabilizing the substrate. Other species such every bit Spartina maritima and Spartina anglica compete for the same identify. S. maritima is an indigenous species of continental Europe and S. anglica is imported from the British Islands. The hybridisation and invasion of "Spartina" spp is a worldwide phenomenon [x] .

Salicorna europaea Credit Bart Vastenhouw, www.freenatureimages.european union

Spartina maritima Credit Ed Stikvoort

Spartina anglica Credit Ed Stikvoort

In Europe, other plants too occur. These are the herbs common saltmarsh-grass (Puccinellia maritima), ocean plantain (Plantago maritima), sea pointer-grass (Triglochin maritinum), ocean aster (Aster tripolium), danish scurvy-grass (Cochlearia danica), common sea-lavender (Limonium vulgare), bounding main purslane (Halimione portulacoides), the red alga Bostrychia scorpioides and Catenella caespitosa. [xi] . Juncus maritimus is some other species that can occur in salt marshes.

Initial plant colonizers play an important role in the recovery of common salt marsh vegetation from disturbance events. They provide shading of the substrate of bare areas and reduce salt aggregating in the soils and thereby facilitate colonization by many other plant species [1] .

Puccinellia maritima Credit Peter Meininger www.freenatureimages.european union

Plantago maritima Credit Jeroen Willemsen world wide

Triglochin maritima Credit Hans Boll

Aster tripolium Credit January van der Straaten world wide

Cochlearia danica Credit Ed Stikvoort www.freenatureimages.european union

Limonium vulgare Credit Rutger Barendse

Halimione portulacoides Credit Jan van der Straaten

Bostrychia scorpiodes Credit Andre Rio.


Plants and animals living in low common salt marshes must have adaptations to deal with the harsh physical stressors institute in this intertidal habitat, including high common salt concentrations, intense heat, and low oxygen in waterlogged soils. Some typical adaptations are discussed below.

The saline environment causes waterstress. Plants have to take upwardly water against the osmotic pressure. To overcome the negative osmotic pressure, they generate a negative hydrostatic pressure level (by transpiration processes). They have thin, fleshy leaves and are sensitive to extra stress such as pollution. Anatomically, the plants are adapted through strong lignification, a well-developed epidermis and succulent leaves and stems. Evaporation can be express by thin leaves with scale-like hairs. Physiologically, plants are adjusted past accumulating table salt in their tissues. In this way, normal osmosis is possible. Other plants accept common salt gland cells on the lower surface of the leaves and excrete the salt from its tissue.

Table salt marsh plants have to deal with an anoxic environment. The tissue of the plants requires oxygen for respiration. Gas diffusion between sediment particles only occurs in soils that are not waterlogged. Even when the surface h2o is saturated with oxygen, its concentration in the soil is likewise depression because of the deadening oxygen diffusion. Many salt marsh plants deal with low soil oxygen levels by shunting oxygen down to their roots through straw-like vascular tissue called aerenchyma. Roots are superficial systems because of the anoxic sediments. They consist of perennial thick roots with a corky layer and without root hairs. To prepare the substrate, short-lived, thin and highly branched roots with numerous root hairs are developed to absorb nutrients.

Nitrogen limitation tin can as well play a part in the evolution of table salt marsh vegetation, even though nitrogen levels tin can be very loftier. The reason is that concentrations of sulfide and sodium ions are often loftier likewise and interfere with nitrogen uptake by plants [1] .


Salt marshes have a whole range of functions. They play an of import role as sediment trap; in this way they aid stabilizing the coastline. Salt marshes improve the water quality past filtering water and retaining excess nutrients, toxic chemicals and disease-causing organisms. They remove nitrates and phosphates from rivers and streams which receive waste product h2o effluents. Another part is h2o supply regulation by recharge and discharge of groundwater. Salt marshes are an important habitat, offer nursery grounds and shelter for larvae and other modest organisms and providing food and nesting areas for wading birds and other organisms.


Salt marshes are habitation to many minor mammals, pocket-sized fishes, birds, insects, spiders and marine invertebrates. Marine invertebrates include crustaceans such equally amphipods and isopods, bounding main anemones, shrimps, venereal, turtles, mollusks and snails. Fishes such as sticklebacks, silversides, eels and flounders are found in the waters of the salt marshes. The benthic community consists of mollusks, polychaeta and oligochaeta. Salt marshes are important convenance, feeding and overwintering grounds for waterfowl. These waterfowl consist of ducks, herons, sharptailed sparrows, Eurasian oystercatchers, reed bunting, etc. In Saudi arabia, common salt marshes are grazing places for wild dromedaries.

Although the local diversity of plants and animals plant in salt marshes is insufficiently low, the affluence of organisms that practice occur in marshes is very high. The abundance per square meter of i species of fiddler crab or snail can reach 100–400 individuals, at times over 1000, and over larger spatial scales the density of 1 species of non-insect invertebrate (mussels, crabs and snails) can often reach l,000,000 per foursquare kilometer [1] .

Freshwater tidal marshes accept a high biodiversity simply do non harbor many endemic species [12] . Organisms typical of freshwater tidal marshes are boatmen, flies, mosquitoes and snails. There are likewise mollusks, ducks, geese, muskrats, raccoons, mink and other minor mammals. Some species are seasonal visitors.

Eurasian oystercatcher. Photograph credit M. Decleer

H2o boatman. Photo credit E.S. Ross


The total number and surface area of table salt marshes has been failing for many years. The main cause is embanking, which removes the habitat from tidal inundation. This unremarkably occurs in areas where the soil level is loftier plenty and the area large enough for embankment to take place. The table salt marsh is destroyed when converted to other uses, notably conversion to intensive agriculture.

In southward due east England and in France a special type of enclosed saltmarshes exist that are protected as a semi-natural habitat. In one case enclosed, the saltmarsh however has salt water inlets with creeks and other features retained with little interference. Dispersed grazing or cropping for hay are often the only uses and with traditional management it develops into a wildlife habitat of some significance. The term Littoral grazing marsh (in France: prairie subhalophile) is used to draw this habitat.

Reclamation for harbour development and other infrastructures completely destroys the habitat and with it any opportunities for restoration. Areas outside the reclaimed zones all the same can produce new marshes if in that location is sufficient supply of new sediment and conditions suitable for growth of new plants. [14] However, climate change and the associated ocean level rise are diminishing the opportunities for salt marsh development and the "coastal squeeze" process takes identify in many areas, particularly effectually the southern North Bounding main [15] .

Other threats include:

  • Over-grazing (specially farm animals, simply likewise grazing by wild geese, crabs and snails)
  • Eutrophication by agricultural effluents
  • Urbanization
  • Recreation
  • Coastal erosion
  • Industrial pollution and waste matter water
  • Altered hydrologic regimes
  • Species invasions (specially invasion of Spartina anglica and Erytrigia in eutrophic salt marshes)
  • Climate change (sela level rise and increased temperatures and frequency of intense drought).

Example-study: Land van Saeftinghe [16]

The tidal surface area 'Drowned country of Saeftinghe' (Verdronken land van Saeftinghe) is located near the edge betwixt kingdom of the netherlands and Belgium, a few kilometers downstream Antwerp in the estuary of the Western Scheldt. It is an official nature reserve since 1976. Considering of this legal protection, permits are compulsary for every intervention and strict entrance restrictions are applied. The state is situated at the transition zone of the Western Scheldt where the river Scheldt meets the saline Due north Sea water. Before the tempest surge of 1570, the state was a fertile polder. The area has a surface of 3,484 hectares. Virtually 70 % of the area is overgrown by salt marsh vegetation. The remaining 30 % consists of mud flats, sandbanks and a network of channels. Each tide, the brackish water overflows a large office of the area. The unique vegetation is fully adapted to this. The area is an ideal breeding, rest and wintering identify for huge quantities of birds. Since 1996 it is a special protected area for birds (1979 Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds) of international importance.

Land of Saeftinghe - Belgium [17]

Western Scheldt estuary, with the Land of Saeftinghe in green.

In the by, a few dikes were created to promote the silting up. The northern dike connects a few hillocks (bogus elevations of globe) with the dike. These dikes are still recognizable and are used as wandering path. The hillocks were used by shepherds when the tide became too high. The flora consists of approximately 50 wild plant species. Algae are not arable in Saeftinghe because there is too niggling lite that penetrates in the water. Organic thing and a lot of silt make the water turbid. College plants are more important in this surface area. Ane of the almost common plants is pickle weed (Salicornia), together with other common salt marsh plants such equally English scurvy-grass (Cochlearia anglica) and common sea-lavander (Limonium vulgare).

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Dynamics, threats and direction of salt marshes
Spatial and temporal variability of salt marshes
Biogeomorphology of coastal systems
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Salt marsh restoration guide

For information of the direction and restoration of saltmarshes in the UK run into DEFRA Saltmarsh management manual


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 ane.3 1.4 Silliman, B.R. 2014. Salt marshes. Current Biology 24(9) R348
  2. Doody, J.P. 2008. Saltmarsh Conservation, Management and Restoration. Littoral Systems and Continental Margins, Volume 12, Springer, 217 pp.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Pinet P.R. 1998. Invitation to Oceanography. Jones and Barlett Publishers. p. 508
  4. Levoy, F., Anthony, Eastward.J., Dronkers, J., Monfort, O. and Montreuil, A-L. 2022. Brusque-term to Decadal-calibration Sand Flat Morphodynamics and Sediment Residual of a Megatidal Bay: Insight from Multiple LiDAR Datasets. Journal of Coastal Enquiry SI 88: 61–76
  5. Mariotti, Thousand. and Fagherazzi, S. 2013. Critical width of tidal flats triggers marsh collapse in the absence of sea-level rise, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110(fourteen): 5353–5356
  6. 6.0 6.1 Adam, P., 1990. Saltmarsh Ecology. Cambridge Academy Press, Cambridge
  7. Gray, A.J. 1992. Saltmarsh constitute ecology. In: Saltmarshes: morphodynamics, conservation and applied science significance, J.R.L., Allen, & Chiliad., Pye, eds., 63-79. Cambridge University Printing, Cambridge.
  8. Packham, J.R. & Willis, A.J., 1997. Environmental of dunes, saltmarsh and shingle. Chapman & Hall, London.
  9. nine.0 9.1 Credit Eric Coppejans -
  10. Stiff, D.R. and Ayres, D.R. 2013. Ecological and Evolutionary Misadventures of Spartina. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 44: 23.i–23.22
  11. Eric Coppejans – Grade Biodiversity of aquatic food webs: from algae to marine mammals UGent
  12. Barendregt, A., Whigham, D.F., Meire, P., Baldwin, A.H., Van Damme, Due south. 2006. Wetlands in the Tidal Freshwater Zone. In: Bobbink R., Beltman B., Verhoeven J.T.A., Whigham D.F. (eds) Wetlands: Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration. Ecological Studies (Assay and Synthesis), vol 191. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  14. Council of Europe – Dijkema K.Due south. et al. 1984. Salt marshes in Europe. Nature and environs series No.30 p. 178
  15. Doody, J.P. (2004) 'Littoral squeeze' - an historical perspective. Journal of Littoral Conservation, 10/1-two, 129-138.

What Animals Live in Salt Marshes Uk




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